recent eateries

Restaurant: Picadilly
Price: less than 10
Rating: 8/10
Restaurant: Picadilly
Price: Rm4
Rating: 7/10
 Restaurant: Picadddily
Price: Rm7
Rating: 5/10
Restaurant: Picadilly
Price: Rm 6
Rating: 2/10
its suppose to be a seafood chowder, no cream at all but just some cornflour to thicken it
Restaurant: Simple Life
Price: Rm18
Rating: 7/10

Restaurant: Eastin Hotel
Rating: 7/10
Restaurant: Eastin hotel
Price: ?
Rating: 8/10
Restaurant: Irvins singapore
Price:?? it was rm20 over but it was such a big hit in SG that one person can only purchase 4 packets. LOL
Rating: 10/10
Restaurant: Cold Storage
Price: Rm44
Rating: 6/10
Restaurant: Wong Kok
Price: comes in set Rm16++
Rating: 6/10
Restaurant: Cold Storage
Price: bagel (Rm15 for 8 packets) Nuts (rm 4)
Rating: 4/10

Restaurant: Botanica + Co
Price: Rm 34++
Rating: 8/10

botanico and co is located in an upscale area in bangsar, my bestie requested that we dine there during a holiday, so we drove there, we both ordered the pizza, the best food to order if you do not want to go broke for the whole week. HAHA, the pizza was huge, more than enough for the both of us, the restaurant has ample sunlight and everywhere is a good spot for photos. the food are generally rm30 onwards, and it wasnt too crowded as i have arrived early. service was good.

the pizza isnt like the pizza hut ones, the sides are crispy, mushrooms are nice, and we just dip it with the chilli flakes. 

would i return? no, as i cant eat out too often.

Restaurant: Tappers Cafe
Price: Rm 12++
Rating: 6/10
Restaurant: Sri Petaling porridge
Price: Rm9
Rating: 6/10

Restaurant: PJ food court. 
Price: RM5
Rating: 5/10
i love dumplings a lot, and it is a common food in china but not in malaysia. nevertheless, the dumplings while a tad oily, still great when combining it with vinegar and ginger. 


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