Game of thrones tour- student special £20
inch abbey
Inch Abbey is another regular in Game of Thrones. Robb Stark’s camp was located here in season one and it is where he was proclaimed the King of the North.
The remains of a Cistercian Abbey were founded in 1180 by John de Courcy and are set beside the River Quoile, with distant views towards the Cathedral town of Downpatrick.
tolleymore forest park. look at the shades of colours. i rarely visit national parks, but i really like this place, so calm and serene.
The Haunted Forest: Tollymore Forest Park, Co Down
Tollymore Forest Park features regularly in Game of Thrones. It’s the setting for The Haunted Forest where the Three Night’s Watch men encounter a White Walker and it is also the scene of Theon Grevjoys escape attempt when he is pursued by Ramsay Snow. Another notable scene from Tollymore Forest Park is Ned Stark finding the dead stag.
ebb and flow |
the myriad of colours intrigued me. |
approaching dusk. |
seafood chowder. such cold weather demands this ultimate comfort food. 7 pounds for this. it is filling but i wished the portion is bigger, also, i tried making this in my home but FK, it turned out so watery. how do i even achieve the creamy texture?!?! |
waterfront. this was in front of the studio used for filming GOT. |
arya |
cast - meet the direwolves from the actual film
In the opening scenes in Season 1 ‘Winter is Coming’, the five Stark children – Robb, Sansa, Bran, Arya and Rickon – plus the bastard Jon Snow, each adopt a Direwolf puppy after they find the orphaned litter in the Wolfswood beside their dead mother.
HBO® were unable to use real wolves in filming due to UK laws and the fact that they had to work with small children, so the production team used Northern Inuit dogs as these are the closest thing to a real wolf - they are a domestic dog breed closely resembling a wolf.
Odin and Thor (they are brothers and are named after the Old Viking Gods in real life) played Summer & Grey Wind, they starred in many scenes including the ‘finding of the Direwolf puppies’ scene,
i also visited the ballintoy harbour, this place is a peaceful place, the locals are aging, and the youngsters moved to the city, there is nothing much in Ballintoy, only a few pubs are open at night, and there is only a main street
Ballintoy harbour was the setting for Theon’s return to the Iron Islands as well as some of the areas around Dragonstone. It was here that Theon first met his sister Yara, was baptised in the name of the Drowned God and paid homage to the ship ‘Sea Bitch’.
Cushendun Caves - Co. Antrim
The village of Cushendun stands on an elevated beach at the outflow of the Glendun and Glencorp valleys and at the mouth of the River Dun. The caves are easily accessible by foot along the coast from the village.
The beautiful area appeared in Game of Thrones season two as a cove in the Stormlands - the memorable scene saw Melisandre give birth to the shadow creature.
i really wish i could visit the other filming locations.
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